Storyboard for my Music Video

 Counting Stars by One Republic

Scene 1: In the first scene, I will be lying down in my bed. I will sing the first two lines of the lyrics for my song.

Scene 2: In the second scene, I will be in my back yard.

Scene 3: In the third scene, I will cut back to me lying down in my bed.

Scene 4: In the fourth scene, I will be swinging on a vine. I chose this because at this point in the song it says "I see this life, like a swinging vine"

Scene 5: In the fifth scene, I will be singing the song from a tree house window.

Scene 6: In the sixth scene, I will be walking down a path.

Scene 7: In the seventh scene, I will be back at the treehouse.

Scene 8: In the eighth scene, I wil be at the vine again.

Scene 9: In the ninth scene, I will be walking down a path again.

Scene 10: In the tenth scene, I will be in my backyard.

Scene 11: In the eleventh scene, I will be at the treehouse again.

Scene 12: In the twelfth and final scene, I will be lying down in my front yard looking up at stars.


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