Title Research: Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
watched the title sequence of Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me on Art of
the Title.
What titles are displayed during the opening sequence?
The titles displayed in the opening sequence include the movie studio and the production studio. Then they show the actors and costume designers.
The titles displayed in the opening sequence include the movie studio and the production studio. Then they show the actors and costume designers.
- What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The sequence opens with a Star Wars like text roll followed by a space shuttle that has encountered a Bob’s Big Boy statue in space. The statue then releases a capsule thing from its butt. The capsule starts falling to earth. Then we see Austin Powers with his new wife in a honeymoon suite. The screen the cuts to black followed by showing the suite bombed with Austin realizing that his wife was a robot. Instead of being sad, he rejoices because he is single again. The Austin runs through the hotel naked.
- How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?
The film establishes a felling of the genre because the main character, Austin Powers, runs around a hotel naked doing crazy things to make the audience laugh. There is lots of music and the scene pauses when a new title pops up to cover Austin Powers’ special places.
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