Title Research: Home Alone

I watched the title sequence of Home Alone on Art of the Title.

- What titles are displayed during the opening sequence?
In the title sequence of Home Alone, the titles displayed during the opening sequence include, the production studio, the movie studio, and the names of the actors. It also shows the editors, the producers, director, and the person who wrote the music for the film.
- What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The images prioritized in the opening sequence include a black screen followed by the night sky with a full moon covered by clouds. After this a house shape appears and starts getting smaller until it ends up at the middle of the screen. Then the words “Home Alone” come onto the screen from the sides of it. Then it switches to a shot of the house and shows all of the craziness inside.
- How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?
The title sequence gives an ominous feeling because it shows a night sky with nothing but the full moon. Then it cut to the McCallister’s house and shows all of the chaos inside of it. This establishes the feeling of craziness that leads to the family leaving Kevin at home.


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