Preparing to Film

In order to get ready to film my final task, I started by printing two copies of my script. Then I marked where each scene would end on the script so that we would know when to move the camera. The next step was to clean up the kitchen in my house because that’s where most of the scenes would occur. I also prepared the table area where one of the scenes would occur. I walked around both spaces thinking about what the viewer would see to ensure that things were in good shape to start filming.

Then I thought about how I wanted to film. Since this movie is about me being invisible, I thought it would be best to film it from my POV. I decided to use my phone to film it and to hold it at eye level. Next I reviewed the script and decided where each person would be and where I would be to get the best shot. I went through the whole script to plan how it would work out.

Next I told the actors – my family members – to review their scripts so that they would know what they were doing. We talked about whether I could be seen in the movie. We decided that since this was all being done in my point of view, I would be able to see my own hands, so it was okay for the viewer to see my hands. We also talked about where each person would go during each scene and where I would be filming. We made a few changes based on what we discussed.

In one of the scenes I was going to steal my dad’s food and put it in the microwave, but when we discussed it we decided to make some changes. It would have been hard to hold the camera and put a plate into the microwave. Instead, we decided it would be funny if his plate disappeared and reappeared. We decided that he would go for a glass of juice and while he was gone, I would steal his plate and then it would magically reappear. We also decided to switch from syrup on my brother’s bagel to chocolate syrup because the viewer would be able to see it better.


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