Changes Made from Film Review Blog

My friend Conner watched my movie with me in class last week. He really liked it. There were only a few things that I needed to udpate. The first thing was that I needed to update the music. When he watched it, he noticed that there was a funny sound at the start of it. We talked about how I should start the music clip a little sooner. I listened to it again before I edited and I knew exactly what to do. I removed the music clip and reloaded it. I cut it a few seconds earlier than I had previously. I did a few test runs to make sure it sounded okay.

The other thing I needed to update was that one of my title screens was still the place holder instead of the real one. I had completely forgotten about it, but he caught it. So I went into PowerPoint and found my file for the slides. Then I found the one that I hadn't finished yet and updated it. Then I uploaded it back into my CapCut file and replaced the place holder with the new one.

I exported a copy of the movie file to watch again to make sure those changes looked good. This time I noticed that it was hard to see the movie title because it was so fast. I had made all of the title screens the same amount of time - 1 second - but I thought since it was the title, it might be good to make it longer. So I went back into CapCut and increased the time for that side to 2 seconds. I watched it again and I liked that much better. I think it's ready to publish now!


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