
Final Task


Changes Made from Film Review Blog

My friend Conner watched my movie with me in class last week. He really liked it. There were only a few things that I needed to udpate. The first thing was that I needed to update the music. When he watched it, he noticed that there was a funny sound at the start of it. We talked about how I should start the music clip a little sooner. I listened to it again before I edited and I knew exactly what to do. I removed the music clip and reloaded it. I cut it a few seconds earlier than I had previously. I did a few test runs to make sure it sounded okay. The other thing I needed to update was that one of my title screens was still the place holder instead of the real one. I had completely forgotten about it, but he caught it. So I went into PowerPoint and found my file for the slides. Then I found the one that I hadn't finished yet and updated it. Then I uploaded it back into my CapCut file and replaced the place holder with the new one. I exported a copy of the movie file to watch agai...

Film Review Blog

I asked my friend Conner to review by movie. I wasn't really sure what he would think, but I was excited to get his reaction. He is in my class, so we could watch it together. The first time we watched it, he laughed when my parents found out I was invisible. He thought it was funny that my dad was looking for me in the dishwasher. He also laughed when I stole my dad's breakfast.  When we got to the part where I put chocolate sauce on my brother's bagel, he asked why my hand was in the shot. I explained that I had thought about that before we shot the footage. I decided that since the movie was shot from my perspective and I didn't know that I was invisible, I would have been able to see my hand. As a result, I thought it was okay to include that shot. He agreed that that made sense. We continued watching and he laughed when I pulled the chair out from under my brother. At the end he said that he really liked it. We watched it together one more time. This time we talked...

Re-Editing Blog

After I looked over the movie at the end of my last blog, I found some things that I wanted to change. One of these things was the title screen showing the actor's names. It looked like the picture included in this blog, but I wanted the names to be center aligned. After I changed it in the PowerPoint I made my title screens on, I used the Snipping Tool to cut out the slide and save it as a PNG file. I then uploaded the picture to CapCut, and placed the original. After this, I edited it to be in the movie for the same length of time as my other title screens.  Another thing I had to change was the Music By title screen since I didn't have anything on it. I didn't have anything on it because I wasn't sure my movie needed music, however I knew it was a requirement. So I needed to find a song and get that edited in to the movie. The song I picked was on Spotify. I used my phone to do a screen recording while I listened to the part of the song that I wanted to use. I only n...

Music Blog

After I finished editing my final task, I thought it was good without music, but I knew I had to use music in it. I didn't feel like the words in any song I liked would work with my movie. I also really didn't want to e-mail a muscian who might never reply to me. Plus I wasn't really sure how to go about it. So I waited and waited and waited. But I knew I couldn't wait any longer.  My mom recommended that I choose a song that had a good section of instrumentals. I remembered that my dad's friend's son had just recorded a song on Spotify. I remembered that had a really good guitar part. So, I listened to it and felt that it could be a good fit.      The next step was to e-mail him and ask permission to use the song. I wanted to be sure that he understood how long of a section of music I would be using and where I would be showing it. Since I am in the US and the team of professors at Cambridge who will review it are in the UK, I asked for the rights to show it in...

Editing Blog: Finishing up

So CapCut decided to delete my project. I tried logging into multiple accounts, but no matter what account I used, I couldn't find my project. I became extremely frustrated. Because of this I despise CapCut. After I cooled down, I figured out how to get my project back. I did this by just making a new project and putting the title screens and video clips in it.  After I made a new project, I started to cut down my clips. I put in the first clip and watched it. Then I cut it down because it was 30 seconds and that was too long. Plus, when I filmed it, I added extra time before and after each scene to allow for easier editing. There were a few clips that I didn't want to cut down, but I had to cut them down. The footage of my film was good, but it was way too long. If I decided not to cut anything, I would have had six and a half minutes of footage.  When I felt that I had cut out enough, I exported it and downloaded it to my computer to watch. As it turns out, I made my title s...